UI KIt How-To / Setup NPM Client Setup

This is document is a supplement document to the JFrog documentation. This documenation explains how to create a .pmrc file that will be used by NPM for getting packages using JFrog.

JFrog Create .npmrc File Documenation


Prequisite - Get JFrog User API Key

  1. Log into JFrog - JFrog Login
  2. Go to Edit Profile link which is in the Welcome,user context menu.
  3. Unlock Profile at the top of the page
  4. Copy the API key for the user profile for the next steps.

Setup NPM Configuration File

  1. Log into the machine with the user account that needs the .npmrc file.
  2. Open a command prompt with the working directory of the logged in user. For Example:
  1. Run the following command to create the .npmrc file in the user directory.
C:\Users\orl1grd>echo registry=https://artifactoryrr.inside.ups.com/artifactory/api/npm/CAB_CSCVWeb_npm_virtual/ > .npmrc
  1. The next command will comprise of the JFrog user name and API key that was captured in the Prerequisite step. The following command must be constructed with the format:
C:\Users\orl1grd>curl --user "orl1grd:AKCp8nG69YxfwnmFR3mnDc266SnjqePENWR1658H8hQ97VWx9Fh5RoEG1cQZR9hm96YcrX5Rm" https://artifactoryrr.inside.ups.com/artifactory/api/npm/auth >> .npmrc